Personal Assistant & Move Management Services
Extra Help & Support When Moving
In addition to our moving services, we also offer optional personal assistant services to assist you to move home. These are useful when customers require additional help to facilitate their move. These services can be tailored to the customer’s specific requirements but could include:

Offering the Right Levels of Support for Your Move
- Practical support and reassurance for the client throughout the moving cycle
- Photographic inventories including help with insurance issues
- Pre-move visit to both properties to plan and label furniture to ensure a smooth move takes place
- Assistance in making a home of the new property at the earliest opportunity
- Packing and unpacking possessions which are personal to the individual client i.e. clothing/fine china
- Food shopping for the new home
- Food preparation for the client during the move, especially where a move will take several days or a week or more to complete
- Making arrangements with tried/tested suppliers for example: dry cleaning, cleaning of soft furnishings, restoration of furniture/china, carpet fitting and electrical work
- Co-ordination and liaison of all contractors during the actual move
Bespoke Concierge Services
Allow our knowledgeable Moving Consultants tailor your move to fit your lifestyle.