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Abels Wins Top Award for Moving Quality

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Abels have won the top award in the Harmony Relocation Quality Awards for 2015.

The Quality Award from Harmony is based on the responses received from the Harmony Quality Questionnaire. This Questionnaire we send out to all the assignees we move. The Award take into account Harmony members who have received at least 10 returned questionnaires from customers. The score is based on the overall average of all answered questionnaires received.

Abels scored an amazing 9.10 (based on a 1-10 value) and became the winner of the Quality Award 2015.

The Award for First Place was received by Neil Pertoldi of Abels from Paul Bernadt of Harmony Relocation.

Neil Pertoldi Revieving Award from Paul Bernadt of Harmony Relocation

Neil Pertoldi Receiving Award from Paul Bernadt of Harmony Relocation