EarthChild is one of the charities that are supported by Abels.

The EarthChild charity is run to both sponsor children in deprived areas of the world, along with providing books under their flying books scheme.
Abels supports this charity by donating cartons that are then used for sending the books overseas. One location where the books are sent is to a orphanage in India.
Geoffrey and Alexandra Dart have written to Abels to thank us for our support where Abels provides them with packing Cartons for their flying books scheme.
They have written to Abels to say:
We are so grateful for your help to our small charity EarthChild. We continue to help the orphan and refugee Tibetan children living in exile in India and have now sent 18,000 books to then with your help.
Here is a picture of Tenzin Pelmo, TCV’s English Resource Person, unpacking some of our books in Dharmsala in North West India.
We wish you and all your team a very happy and successful 2015″
Geoffrey and Alexander Dart